Postgres App Mac Psql

  1. Mac Postgresql Client
  2. Postgres App Mac
  3. Mac Psql
  4. Postgresql App Mac
  5. Postgres Mac Location
  6. Install Postgres Mac

These are my notes for running Postgres in a Docker container for use with a local Django or Rails development server running on the host machine (not in Docker). Running in Docker allows keeping my database environment isolated from the rest of my system and allows running multiple versions and instances. (I previously had a problem where Homebrew upgraded Postgres when I didn't expect it to and my existing database became incompatible. Admittedly, I didn't know Homebrew well, but it was frustrating.) Disadvantages of Docker are it's another layer of abstraction to learn and interact with. We use Docker extensively at work, so from a mental overhead point of view, it's something I wanted to learn anyways. Currently I use the Homebrew Postgres for work, and Postgres in Docker for personal projects. I also wrote some notes on Postgres and Homebrew here.

This is the native Mac app that you see when you double click in the Finder. For compatibility reasons we build the different parts on different versions of macOS. The binaries for PostgreSQL 9.4 - 10 are built on macOS 10.10 with Xcode 7.2.1. On OS X 10.8 and 10.9 (not 10.10) with server app installed, in a terminal window, type. Sudo serveradmin settings postgres On OS X 10.9 Mavericks, this is the output I get from that, which includes the data directory.

XXX:src3 ozan$ psql -U postgres lecture psql: FATAL: database 'lecture' does not exist This is on a Mac. The only thing that works is the following, which is fine for messing around with sql commands: psql -U postgres Now, to combine my exercise with python, I am setting an environment variable as follows:. is a full featured PostgreSQL installation packaged as a standard Mac app. Graphical Installer: A native Mac app. Another option is pgAdmin 4, which is compatible with Linux and Windows. If your psql command is not working at the end of this guide. Using PostgreSQL App. To run a server through the postgres app, the first step is to download the program. The app can be downloaded on Once the app is downloaded and moved into the applications folder, the app can be opened. Open the Postgres app: In order to start the server, click the start button. This will start the server.

Install Docker

  • Install Docker for Mac:

OPTION 1: Run Postgres using a single Docker command

Run a postgres container
  • uses the official docker postgres 11 image
  • uses a named volume, my_dbdata, to store postgres data
  • exposes port 54320 to the host
  • sets the container name to my_postgres
  • uses the -d flag to run in the background

OPTION 2: Run Postgres using Docker Compose

Create a docker-compose.yml file

Create a new file docker-compose.yml: Best paid video recording app for mac.

  • uses docker compose file version 3
  • sets up a service named 'db' (this name can be used with docker-compose commands)
  • uses the postgres:11 image from
  • creates a container named 'my_postgres'
  • connects port 5432 inside Docker as port 54320 on the host machine
  • uses a named volume, 'my_dbdata', for storing the database data. Even if the container and image are deleted, the volume will remain unless explicitly deleted using docker volume rm.
  • for more information, see the Docker Compose file reference
Start Postgres

Pull the postgres image from, create a container named 'my_postgres', and start it in the background:

See that it's working

See the logs:

Google sketchup 5 download mac. Try running psql:

hit CTRL+D to exit

For other commands such as starting, stopping, listing or deleting, see my Docker cheat sheet.

Create a database

Connect using Python and psycopg2

Create a new file named

Mac Postgresql Client

Run it

See also

Postgres App Mac


Postgres is a powerful and free object-relational database management system. It has gained a lot of momentum since its introduction in 1995 because of its robustness and powerful features it ships with out of the box. In this article, we’ll walk through the process of installing a Postgres database on a Mac OS X machine and set it up for Ruby on Rails development.

Install Postgres Database with Homebrew

Homebrew is a popular package manager for OS X. To install Postgres with Homebrew, follow the steps below:

Mac Psql

The first thing to do is install Homebrew if you haven’t done so already. Homebrew site has a simple command that you have to paste in your terminal to do so. Make sure to accept the command line developer tools installation if prompted.

Postgresql App Mac

Next, run brew install postgres to install Postgres. It might take a little while to compile and install. After compilation is done, it’ll give you some instructions to finish setting it up.

The database will be initialized during installation, so there isn’t a need to run initdb to finish installation of Postgres via Homebrew. Near the end of the installation instructions you should see mention of the command brew services.

If you don’t already have brew services installed. It may be installed withthis command:

And then you can run the following command to start Postgres as a background service:

Postgres Mac Location

Postgres will also restart automatically at login after you have run the command above.
Once Postgres has started, we can use brew services to stop it manually:

Or we can also use brew services to restart Postgres:

Now you should have PostgreSQL all set up.

Set Up Postgres to Work with a Rails App

First, install the pg gem:

Make sure you include the pg gem in your Gemfile, and run

Now, set up your config/database.yml file to point to your Posgres database.

Let’s create the development and test databases:

Install Postgres Mac

Now you can run pending migrations, if there are any.